

As an open-source project, we welcome community contributions to seismometer. Ultimately, we want this project to be a community-led effort to codify guidelines for ensuring the equitable and informed use of machine learning and AI tools in the healthcare space. Contributions to this project can be as simple as fixing typos or small bugs, or more complex contributions that, with the support and scrutiny of our development team, guide the overall direction of the project.

See also

Contributing to Seismometer for our Contributor’s Guide.

Use Cases


As of v0.1.0, seismometer supports evaluating model performance using standardized evaluation criteria binary classifier models. We plan to add support in the near future for other types of machine learning models, such as multiple classifier models. Similarly, we plan to add support for validating generative AI models. These enhancements will include changes to the underlying seismometer tooling, as well as adding new templates for validating generative models.

Workflows and Pre-Live Evaluation

As of v0.1.0, seismometer has limited support for evaluating model performance pre-live. We are planning to add support for workflow simulation (e.g., estimating the number of alerts that would be shown to end-users for a clinical model that predicts an adverse event, or the amount of time saved per clinician for a generative model that drafts messages to patients) based on particular thresholds. We will also add tools to identify thresholds for models based on pre-live data and operational goals. These tools are intended to help identify when a machine learning or artificial intelligence solutions will improve current workflows and also improve efficiency when integrating models into a workflow.

Comparing to Baselines

We plan to add support for comparing model performance to baseline statistics (e.g., statistics from a model train or from model performance at a separate site). These are intended to verify that the model feature or target drift are not adversely affecting the model’s performance after it goes live.

Functional changes


As seismometer grows, we will add support for new types of visualizations. Our initial focus is to improve visualizations for interventions and outcomes stratified by sensitive groups, but we plan to extend our model performance visualizations as well.

Data Layer

As of v0.1.0, seismometer supports reading data from parquet files, which contain data type information and performance improvements that standard CSV data does not have. We plan to add support for more file formats (alongside metadata files that will describe the data types) as well as support for reading data directly from a database (e.g., through an ODBC connection).

Code Structure

As we gear up for seismometer’s version 1.0 release, we will be working on finalizing the internals of the tool. Prior to the version 1.0 release, we expect there will be breaking changes to APIs, after which the goal will be to minimize those breaking changes and only release breaking changes alongside a major version bump.

See also

Changelog for our Release Notes and any breaking changes.