User Guide

seismometer allows you to evaluate AI model performance using standardized evaluation criteria that helps you make decisions based on your own local data. It helps you validate a model’s initial performance and continue to monitor its performance over time.

Local validation of an AI model requires cross-referencing data about patients (such as demographics and clinical outcomes) and model performance (including inputs and outputs).

This guide provides instructions on how to customize and use a Notebook.

Common terms

This section provides a list of terms used throughout this guide that you might not be familiar with:

  • Cohort attribute. An attribute that groups a set of patients that share a similar trait. For example, the Notebook might allow you to analyze data by race, sex, or other demographic criteria. It also might let you analyze data by other criteria, such as patients seen within a specific department or hospital.

  • Cohort. A set of patients that share a cohort attribute.

  • Event. A defined relevant action or occurrence that is important in understanding the workflows and outcomes that might be influenced through usage of the model.

  • Prediction. The output provided by the model. One prediction is specified as a key output.

  • Feature. A column of data used as an input to the model.

Creating a Notebook

Creating a Seismogram (notebook) requires a couple distinct pieces of information:

  • Example Notebook: Starting from example notebook, while not required, is expected to be the most straight-forward. Once serveral types of models are supported, it is expected that a CLI will further automate combining new content into the example structure.

  • Configuration files: A config.yml file to specify location of required data and/or other configuration files (refer to the Create Configuration Files).

  • Supplemental info: Explanatory model-specific supplements to guide the analysis.

Update or replace the example notebook with content relevant to your model.

Using the Binary Classifier Notebook

Each Notebook provides a summary and analysis for a single model. Initially, we are providing a Binary Classifier Notebook template for predictive models that generate a single output.


Provides a summary of the data included in the Notebook, such as time period of the analysis and number of predictions made by the model.

It also provides definitions of terms used throughout the Notebook.


Provides background information provided by the model developer to help you understand the intention and use cases for model predictions.

Feature Monitor

Provides details on the features included in the dataset.

Feature Alerts

Review insights into potential data quality issues that might have been identified while generating the Notebook. Review any alerts to verify that your dataset includes complete details for analysis. Alerts might indicate that all necessary information was not extracted into your dataset or that your workflows are not always capturing the data needed to make accurate predictions.

Feature Summary Statistics and Plots

View the summary statistics and distributions for the model inputs in your dataset.

Summarize Features by Cohort Attribute

Select a cohort attribute and two distinct sets of cohorts to see a breakdown of your features stratified by the different cohorts.

Summarize Features by Target

View a breakdown of your features stratified by the different target values.

Model Performance

Provides standardized distribution plots to evaluate model performance. Analysis is available for each prediction and encounter.

ROC Curve

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve shows the sensitivity and specificity across all possible thresholds for the model. This plot can help you assess both in aggregate and at specific thresholds how often the model correctly identifies positive cases and negative cases. The AUROC or C-stat is the area under the ROC curve and provides a single measure of how well the model performs across thresholds. The AUROC does not assess performance at a specific threshold.

A graph with a curve Description automatically generated

Sensitivity/Flag Curve

This curve plots the sensitivity and flag rate across all possible thresholds for the model. Sensitivity is a model’s true positive rate, or the proportion of entities in the dataset that met the target criteria and were correctly scored above the threshold set for the model. The flag rate is the proportion of entities identified as positive cases by the model at the selected threshold.

This plot can help you determine how frequently your model would trigger workflow interventions at different thresholds and how many of those interventions would be taken for true positive cases. The highlighted area above the curve indicates how many true positives would be missed at this threshold.

A graph of a curve Description automatically generated

Calibration Curve

The calibration curve is a measure of how reliable a model is in its predictions at a given threshold. It plots the observed rate (what proportion of cases at that threshold are true positives) against the model’s predicted probability. Points above the y=x line indicate that a model is overconfident in its predictions (meaning that it identifies more positive cases than exist), and points below the y=x line indicate that a model is underconfident in its predictions (it identifies fewer positive cases than exist).

Note the following when using a calibration curve, particularly with a defined threshold or with sampling:

  • Sampling changes the observed rate, so the calibration curve might not be relevant if it is used.

  • Thresholds collapse the calibration curve above that probability. For example, if a workflow checks for outputs >= 15, then a score of 99 and a score of 15 are treated the same in that workflow.

A graph with a blue line and red dots Description automatically generated

PR Curve

The precision-recall curve shows the tradeoff between precision and recall for different thresholds across all possible thresholds for the model. Precision is the positive predictive value of a model (how likely an entity above the selected threshold is to have met the target criteria). Recall is a model’s true positive rate (the proportion of entities in the dataset that met the target criteria and were correctly scored above the threshold set for the model).

This plot can help you assess the tradeoffs between identifying more positive cases and correctly identifying positive cases.

A graph with a line and numbers Description automatically generated

Sensitivity/Specificity/PPV Curve

This curve shows sensitivity, specificity, and precision (positive predictive value or PPV) across all possible thresholds for a model, and it can help you identifying thresholds where your model has high enough specificity, sensitivity, and PPV for your intended workflows.

A graph of a graph Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Predicted Probabilities

This curve shows predicted probabilities for entities in the dataset stratified by whether or not they met the target criteria. It can help you identify thresholds where your model correctly identifies enough of the true positives without identifying too many of the true negatives.


Fairness Audit

A fairness audit can help you evaluate whether the model performs differently across groups within a cohort relative to a reference cohort. Fairness evaluations are useful in identifying areas for further investigation, but note that they do not necessarily reveal a problem that requires correction. It is mathematically impossible to ensure parity across many definitions simultaneously, so you might focus on a predetermined set while remaining aware of the others.

This audit should be used by experts with a deep understanding of the model and the context in which the predictions are used. Even when a metric is flagged as failing in the fairness audit, there might be context that explains and even predicts the difference. Like many concepts, a single parity concept can have several different names; notably, parity of true positive rate is equal opportunity, parity of false positive rate is predictive equality, and parity of predictive prevalence is demographic parity.

An Aequitas audit gives an overview of parity across all defined groups for each cohort attribute. By default, the majority group is the baseline and a statistic for all observations in the other groups is compared. A fairness threshold such as 125% is then used to classify the ratio of each group to the reference. If any group performs differently, above (125% in our example) or below (80%) then it is considered a failure for that cohort/metric.

The visualization is a table showing the overall pass/fail, an ordered list of circles representing the groups, and a bar representing the percentage of the population data in reference. Note that comparison across columns is not always exact due to potential differences in the included observations from missing information. Hovering over a bar or circle shows details on the group and metric.

A group of colorful text boxes Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Cohort Analysis

Breaks down the overall analysis by various cohorts defined for the model.

Performance by Cohort

Select a cohort and one or more subgroups to see a breakdown of common model performance statistics across thresholds and cohort attributes. The plots show sensitivity, specificity, proportion of flagged entities, PPV, and NPV.


Trend Comparison

The goal of operationalizing models is to improve outcomes so analyzing only model performance is usually too narrow a view to take. This section shows broader indicators such as outcomes in relation to the assisted intervention actions. Plots trend selected events split out against the selected cohorts to reveal associations between interventions that the model is helping drive and the outcomes that the intervention helps modify.

A graph showing different colored lines Description automatically generated

Lead Time Analysis

View the amount of time that a prediction provides before an event of interest. These analyses implicitly restrict data to the positive cohort, as that is expected to be the time the event occurs. The visualization uses standard violin plots where a density estimate is shown as a filled region and quartile and whiskers inside that area. When the cohorts overlap significantly, this indicates the model is providing equal opportunity for action to be taken based on the outputs across the cohort groups.

A graph with colorful rectangular bars Description automatically generated with medium confidence

Customizing the Notebook

You can customize the Notebook as needed by running Python code. This section includes tasks for common updates that you might make within the Notebook.

Create Configuration Files

Configuration files provide the instructions and details needed to create the Notebook for your dataset. It can be provided in one or several YAML files. The configuration includes several sections:

  • Definitions for the columns included in the predictions table, including the column name, data type, definition, and display name.

  • Definitions of the events included in the events table.

  • Data usage definitions, including primary and secondary IDs, primary targets and output, relevant features, cohorts to allow for selection, abd outcome events to show in the Notebook.

  • Other information to define which files contain the information needed for the Notebook

Create a Data Dictionary

The data dictionary is a set of datatypes, friendly names, and definitions for columns in your dataset. As of the current version of seismometer, this configuration is not strictly required.

# dictionary.yml
# Can be separated into two files, this has both predictions and events
# This should describe the data available, but not necessarily used
   - name: patient_nbr
     dtype: str
     definition: The patient identifier.
   - name: encounter_id
     dtype: str
     definition: The contact identifier.
   - name: LGBM_score
     dtype: float
     display_name: Readmission Risk
     definition: |
        The Score of the model.
   - name: ScoringTime
     dtype: datetime
     display_name: Prediction Time
     definition: |
        The time at which the prediction was made.
   - name: age
     dtype: category
     display_name: Age
     definition: The age group of the patient.

   - name: TargetLabel
     display_name: 30 days readmission
     definition: |
        A binary indicator of whether the diabetes patient was readmitted within 30 days of discharge
     dtype: int

Note that even with a binary event, it is generally more convenient to use an int or even float datatype.

Create Usage Configuration

The usage configuration helps seismometer understand what different elements in your dataset are used for and is defined in a single YAML file. Here you will label identifier columns, score columns, features to load and analyze, features to use as cohorts, and how to merge in events. Events are typically stored in a separate dataset so they can be flexibly merged multiple times based on different definitions. Events typically encompass targets, interventions, and outcomes associated with an entity.

# usage_config.yml
   # Define the keys used to identify an output;
   entity_id: patient_nbr # required
   context_id: encounter_id # optional, secondary grouper
   # Each use case must define a primary output and target
   # Output should be in the predictions table but target may be a display name of a windowed event
   primary_output: LGBM_score
   primary_target: Readmitted within 30 Days
   # Predict time indicates the column for timestamp associated with the row
   predict_time: ScoringTime
   # Features, when present, will reduce the data loaded from predictions.
   # It does NOT need to include cohorts our outputs specified elsewhere
      - admission_type_id
      - num_medications
      - num_procedures
   # This list defines available cohort options for the default selectors
      - source: age
        display_name: Age
      - source: race
        display_name: Race
      - source: gender
        display_name: Gender
   # The event_table allows mapping of event columns to those expected by the tool
   # The table must have the entity_id column and may have context_id column if being used
      type: Type
      time: EventTime
      value: Value
   # Events define what types of events to merge into analyses
   # Windowing defines the range of time prior to the event where predictions are considered
   # On initial load, the events data are merged into a single frame alongside predictions, with
   # those columns appearing empty if events only occur outside the window.
      - source: TargetLabel
        display_name: Readmitted within 30 Days
        window_hr: 6
        offset_hr: 0
        usage: target
        # How to combine multiple *scores* for a context_id when analyzing this event
        aggregation_method: max
   # Minimum group size to be included in the analysis
   censor_min_count: 10

See also

A separate events dataset is not required, and can be avoided if you do not need to include events other than the target. See: Using Seismometer without an events dataset

Create Resource Configuration

The resource config is used to define the location of other configuration files and the underlying datasets that will be loaded into seismometer, and is defined in a single YAML file.

# config.yml
   # Path to the file containing how to interpret data during run
   usage_config: "usage_config.yml"
   # Name of the template to use during generation
   template: "binary"
   # Directory to write info during the notebook run
   info_dir: "outputs"
   # These two definitions define all the columns available
   event_definition: "dictionary.yml"
   prediction_definition: "dictionary.yml"
   # These are the paths to the data itself; currently expect typed parquet
   data_dir: "data"
   event_path: "events.parquet"
   prediction_path: "predictions.parquet"
   metadata_path: "metadata.json"

Create Metadata Configuration

The metadata configuration is used to define two pieces of metadata about the model: the model’s name and any configured thresholds. It is typically defined in a metadata.json file and can be referenced in config.yml using the metadata_path field.

   "modelname": "Risk of Readmission for Patients with Diabetes",
   "thresholds": [0.65, 0.3]

Modifying the Analysis Data

When possible it is better to supplement the data upstream from seismometer, such as during data extraction, and have predictions and events files contain everything that is needed for analysis. Inevitably, there will be times when this is not possible and you need additional transformations to be done prior to most of the notebook running.

In this situation, you should modify the first cell of your notebook to run a custom startup method instead of run_startup. The general outline of what the code should do is the same but will take advantage of the post_load_fn hook. First, create a ConfigFrameHook() (accepts a ConfigProvider) and a pd.DataFrame and outputs a pd.DataFrame) that can modify the standard Seismogram frame to the desired state. Then, follow the pattern of normal startup but specify your function in the loader_factory():

from seismometer.configuration import ConfigProvider
from import loader_factory
from seismometer.seismogram import Seismogram
import seismometer._api as sm

def custom_post_load_fn(config: ConfigProvider, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
   df["SameAB"] = df["A"] == df["B"]
   return df

def my_startup(config_path="."):
   config = ConfigProvider(config_path)
   loader = loader_factory(config, post_load_fn=custom_post_load_fn)
   sg = Seismogram(config, loader)

The benefit of this approach over manipulating the frame later is that the Seismogram can be considered frozen. Among other things, this means any Seismograph notebooks cells do not have a dependence on order and can be run multiple times.

Create Custom Visualizations

You can create custom controls that allow users to interact with the data via a set of standardized controls. The seismometer.controls.explore module contains several Exploration* widgets you can use for housing custom visualizations, see Custom Visualization Controls.

A custom control, allowing a user to select a cohort and display a heatmap restricted to that cohort.

To add your own custom visualization, you need a function that takes the same signature as the Exploration widget, and it should return a displayable object. If using matplotlib, you can use the render_as_svg() decorator to convert the plot to an SVG, for the control to display. This will close the plot/figure after saving to prevent the plot from displaying twice.

The following example shows how to create the visualization above.

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Control allowing users to specify a score, target, threshold, and cohort.
from seismometer.controls.explore import ExplorationModelSubgroupEvaluationWidget
# Converts matplotlib figure to SVG for display within the control's output
from seismometer.plot.mpl.decorators import render_as_svg
# Filter our data based on a specified cohort
from import FilterRule

@render_as_svg # convert figure to svg for display
def plot_heat_map(
      cohort_dict: dict[str,tuple], # cohort columns and allowable values
      target_col: str, # the model target column
      score_col: str,  # the model output column (score)
      thresholds: tuple[float], # a list of thresholds to consider
      per_context: bool # if a plot groups scores by context
      ) -> plt.Figure:
   # The signature of the function must match the ExplorationWidget's expected signature
   # This example does not use the `per_context` parameter, but it must be included in the signature
   # to match ExplorationModelSubgroupEvaluationWidget's expectations.

   # These three rows select the data from the seismogram based on the cohort_dict
   sg = sm.Seismogram()
   cohort_filter = FilterRule.from_cohort_dictionary(cohort_dict) # Use only rows that match the cohort
   data = cohort_filter.filter(

   xcol = "age"
   ycol = "num_procedures"
   hue = score_col

   data = data[[xcol, ycol, hue]] # select only the columns we need
   data = data.groupby([xcol, ycol], observed=False)[[hue]].agg('mean').reset_index()
   data = data.pivot(index=ycol, columns=xcol, values=hue)

   ax = plt.axes()
   sns.heatmap(data = data, cbar_kws= {'label': hue}, ax = ax, vmin=min(thresholds), vmax=max(thresholds), cmap="crest")
   ax.set_title(f"Heatmap of {hue} for {cohort_filter}",  wrap=True, fontsize=10)
   return plt.gcf()

ExplorationModelSubgroupEvaluationWidget("Heatmap", plot_heat_map) #generates the overall widget.

The function plot_heat_map creates a heatmap of the mean of the score column for each subgroup of the cohort, based on the fixed columns age and num_procedures.