
seismometer.plot.mpl.recall_condition(ppcr, recall, thresholds, prevalence, *, show_reference=False, annotate=False, highlight=None, axis=None)

Plots the recall of a model against the predicted condition rate.

  • ppcr (pd.Series) – The predicted positive condition rate.

  • recall (pd.Series) – The recall (sensitivity) of the model.

  • thresholds (pd.Series) – The thresholds of the model, if annotations are desired.

  • prevalence (Number) – The prevalence of the condition in the dataset, plotted as a reference line.

  • show_reference (bool, optional) – A flag to show the prevalence as a reference line, by default False.

  • annotate (bool, optional) – A flag to add annotations to the plot, by default False.

  • highlight (Optional[list[Number]], optional) – A list of thresholds to highlight on the plot, by default None.

  • axis (Optional[plt.Axes], optional) – The matplotlib axis to draw, by default None; creates a new figure.

Return type:
